Tuesday, September 3, 2013


I have to admit, I'm not big on resolutions. Not New Years ones anyway. Probably because I am no good with keeping them.... But, I am a firm believer that any month, week, day, even moment can be a new beginning if we want it to be. However, that being said, starting the new calendar year is always a good reminder for those of us that forget (myself included) to look back on the year and take note of what worked, what made us happy and brought joy and excitement into our lives, and of course what didn't.
I always become really overwhelmed when I stop to take notes on what I want to change about myself and my life- because there are just so many things I'd like to be doing differently or things I just want to plain STOP doing. I find personally, that the stopping is so much harder to do than anything else. So that's why this year (or next month, or  maybe the week after that...)  I am going to choose 3 things I want to START in my life. I'm forgetting all the "shouldn'ts" and "bad" habits I know I have issues with and am going to focus on positive, healthy, things that I don't do and start to change that.
I find that there can not be a black and white about anything for it to really stick. That's why things like diets don't tend to work.  You have to let yourself indulge, have fun, make stupid choices and bad decisions, so that you can learn from them, become conscious of your patterns- and then, in  your own time let them go.
So, I figure, instead of making myself give something up that I know is "bad" for me, I will add three "GOOD" things instead! Maybe eventually these good things will broaden my mind and awareness of all the "bad" I want to stop doing and will at some point help me to let go of them.

To give you an actual example of what I am talking about, here is what I mean: If I was going to do the "stop doing" resolution list, this is what it would look like:

-kick the chips and dip habit (oh and the Ben and Jerry's one too...)
-napping when I'm bored or cranky
-gossiping/judging (even just in my head)
-allowing others moods to control mine
-complaining needlessly
-making excuses
-facebook addiction
-comparing my life with others
-eating things that I know will make me feel gross later

Although it would be a fantastic resolution to let all of these things go, for me sometimes telling myself "No!" is a much harder task than telling myself "Try this!" instead.
So, this year I have whittled my long list down to 3 things that I am going to commit to. I will aid in this commitment by writing reminders on my physical calendar throughout the year, setting reminders on my iPhone alarm calendar throughout the year, and putting the words of my commitments in frames around my house where I will see them every day as well as in my office and car- so there will escaping the reminding!

Here is my very simple but well thought out list:  One thing each for my physical, mental/emotional and spiritual self:

1. I will drink 1/2 my body weigh in water (excluding all other bevvies) every single day.
2. I will treat all people, (difficult or not & including myself) with compassion and love as I would like to be treated (inside my head or out) remembering we are all connected in this web of life.
3. I will meditate (even for just 5 minutes!) every single day for at least 30 days straight.
Geesh. You have no idea how difficult it was to come up with that list. I have soooooooooo many more things I want to add, but I think the key is baby steps. Once I get these three under control then, I will add more. But it's my hope that these 3 things will eventually not feel like "tasks" anymore, but will just be part of my routine and will flow easily for me. The trick is getting in the swing of it and STAYING there.

But if I fall off the wagon for a day, a week or even a month, I am NOT going to get out the whip and start reprimanding myself. I will just start again when the time is right. And this is what I love about life. There is always room for a new beginning. It's your job to decide when:)

So, thank you for being witnesses to my commitments! We'll see how I fair!  I wish you all a wonderful, happy, healthy, blissful New Year, whether you are making big changes or not. Sometimes the biggest challenge in life is just surrendering to the constant change that is around u,s whether we want the changes or not. Or maybe, surrendering is the only important part to life and the key to enjoying it...  So, ride the waves of life with grace and ease and have fun doing it this year- 2012 is gonna be a big one!
With love and gratitude,

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